Compile and Install (phase 2)

Having installed the required dependencies during the bootstrap phase of the install process, we now proceed to finally compile and install HemeLB.

We start with a fresh build directory called hemelb_build_dir and navigate into it

mkdir hemelb_build_dir && cd hemelb_build_dir

Since the same CMakeLists.txt drives the two phases, the configuration steps are identical as in the bootstrap phase, i.e. we start by running cmake in its Terminal User Interface (TUI) as follows.

ccmake ..

At the outset, it can be seen that the library dependencies installed during the bootstrap phase have been correctly detected during this final compilation phase.

Dependencies detected

For the sake of brevity, the rest of the cmake configuration and Makefile generation process is not repeated again. However, it is worth remembering to set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable to the same value as set before (i.e. ~/bin). Once the Makefile is generated, the executable hemelb can be compiled by invoking the make command as usual. The final stages of the compilation output is shown in the screenshot below.

Compilation Output

Next steps

Having installed HemeLB, we may now proceed to run a basic simulation as discussed in Tutorial-2.
