
Krishnakumar Gopalakrishnan

This tutorial walks you through the process of installing HemeLB on your local machine. A Unix-like environment is assumed, although GNU/Linux is the only platform where the code has been tested. Familiarity with the *nix command line (in particular the bash shell) is assumed.


The following are the pre-requisites for building and installing HemeLB

  • A recent C/C++ compiler (tested with gcc 7.4.0 & above)
  • An MPI library (tested with openMPI)
  • cmake (3.2 & above)

Other dependencies (such as the parmetis, zlib, ctemplate & boost libraries) shall be automatically built during the bootstrap phase if not already detected on your local machine.

Download and extract

The latest version of HemeLB (v0.8 as of November 2020) can be obtained as a tar.gz archive from here. After downloading, the contents of the archive can be extracted by running the following command in a terminal emulator window.

tar -xvzf hemelb-v0.8.tar.gz

At the end of this process, there will be a folder called hemelb-v0.8 with the following contents

├── CMakeCache.txt
├── CMakeFiles/
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── Code/
├── Doc/
├── Scripts/
├── Tools/
├── dependencies/
├── deploy/
├── examples/
8 directories, 6 files

Next steps

The next step is to install Hemelb, which is split over two phases — a bootstrap phase and a build phase.